The MHRA have recently published a National Patient Safety Alert on medical beds, trolleys, bed rails, bed grab handles and lateral turning devices, to reduce risk of death from entrapment and falls.
NatPSA_bed_rails_30_8_23.pdf (
National Patient Safety Alert: Medical beds, trolleys, bed rails, bed grab handles and lateral turning devices: risk of death from entrapment or falls (NatPSA/2023/010/MHRA) - GOV.UK (
Included in the Safety Alert is new guidance on the management and safe use of bedrails, to reduce the risks associated with the prescribing and use of this equipment. This includes a full list of
Bed rails: management and safe use - GOV.UK (
What was Medequip’s response:
The guidance given by the MHRA addresses various aspects, and our Clinical, SHEQ, Procurement and Operations departments collaborated on a nationwide project to implement best practices and make necessary adaptations to our internal processes.
We have also assisted all our contracts in reviewing their catalogues, devising risk assessments, and creating informative guidance for prescribers and service users.
Elements covered include:
- Bed Rails and Bumpers – compatibility and gaps
- Beds and accessories for children and adults of smaller stature
- Mattresses and Beds compatibility and gaps
- Bed Levers
- Lateral Turning Devices
- Changing beds & plinths (with side rails)
Data and Information
Catalogue information has been updated in TCES to ensure it is up to date and accurate and includes further details if needed for example highlighting and linking certain products on the system – e.g. bed levers and mattress overlays.
Medequip have provided all contracts with the data for items on site with customers to support reviews relating to the MHRA alert.
Servicing and Maintenance
Medequip have fully reviewed all the Servicing and Maintenance requirements for all products that fall under this guidance, and we are fully compliant with all manufacturers and Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPMs) requirements to avoid any potential risks or concerns.
All equipment returned through cleaning are checked for compliance before being returned to shelf.
Equipment compatibility
We have taken measures to ensure that all our products comply with the prescribed guidelines, and only compatible products are used together
Medequip have also reviewed all beds and mattress within each contact to identify any compatibility issues for each variation
Training and Feedback
We have provided comprehensive training to all our employees to help them understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to the changes needed.
Medequip Technicians have received updated training on the installation, criteria and feedback requirements related to this guidance.
All equipment will be fitted according to the manufacturers and MHRA guidelines, with escalation systems in place to feedback or resolve any issues identified.
Letters / Leaflets / Stickers:
We have co-produced letters and leaflets with local services to leave with service users informing them of the risks and how to access local advice.
We have also designed a new sticker as below and attach this to all Bed Levers delivered by Medequip to ensure safety and compliance with the alert.
Measure Guide tool
This Measure Guide tool has been created to support staff who fit or review the installation of Bed Levers and Bed rails to ensure they comply with the MHRA guidance.

Risk assessments and Guidance:
Medequip Clinical team have worked with local teams to support best practice and help develop guidance & local risk assessment documents.
We have provided expert advice in understanding the implications of the alert to contracts and services, and our IT teams have enabled a range of different methods for prescribers to confirm, complete or attach their local documents, to ensure they are meeting the requirements.
Completion of risk assessments for all people with equipment under the alert is the responsibly of the local Health and Social Care teams and for prescribers to complete for each order / equipment.
This is a massive undertaking as it includes requirement for services to review all individuals with identified equipment already in the community. And “to update risk assessments where the equipment or the patient’s clinical condition has changed (for example, reduction/improvement in weight or mobility), and also at regular intervals.”
Serices have needed to prioritise cases with highest risk, both in terms of clinical need and entrapment risks. Many services are needing to find extra resources to cover this work, with huge numbers of lower risk items yet to review.
To support this, Medequip have implemented a new Risk Assessment / Review Service (MHRA) which provides additional capacity to support the large-scale review for people with Bed Levers already in the community: offering a targeted review and risk assessment of the person’s use, and installation of, the Bed Lever for compliance and safety assurance.
For more information and support on any of the MHRA Bed Alert issues, please reach out to your local service or get in touch with our clinical team via the following: