Medequip consider that environmental protection is of, at least, equal importance in comparison
to any other aspect of business management and is committed to promoting high standards of environmental
management on all of our sites, premises, and in all of our activities.
Our Environmental Management System is ISO 14001:2004 certified.
Medequip inspect and audit operations throughout the year, using health, safety, environmental and quality
team and external organisations, supported by our operating teams to ensure sound environmental practice.
We have set environmental objectives and targets which are measured, monitored and reviewed to enable
continuous improvement in our environmental performance.
Environmental objectives are set at an organisational and local level through our Business Plan.
Recent examples are detailed below:
Emissions from Vehicles
All vehicles are regularly serviced and maintained to manufacturers requirements and abide to European
legislation on fuel emissions. Vehicles procured are Euro 6 classified, reducing Nitrogen dioxide emissions
by more than 55%. Effective route planning, eco-driving and car sharing increase fuel efficiency.
Water Discharge from Cleaning
Cleaning processes have been developed and improved to enable full decontamination with minimal environmental
impact and water discharge e.g. use of steam washers compared to jet. Water discharge agreed with water
authorities consent / letter of authority.
'Green' Cleaning Materials
Partnership working with chemical suppliers to provide the most effective solution for decontamination and
infection control e.g. J-Flex system enables auto dose chemical mix with water, ensures correct dilution
rates, reduces spill hazard and employee COSHH health risk.
Recycling Waste
Our partner Augean manage our waste management solutions. Minimising waste destined to landfill by separating
and recycling waste streams. Medequip operate an agreed ‘scrap list’ and items over £50.00 in value will be
pre-authorised by Commissioners therefore optimising recycling returns.
Energy Consumption
Energy use is monitored on a monthly basis. Switch it off campaigns, energy efficient lighting use,
electrical equipment and gas boilers are regularly serviced to reduce unwarranted energy consumption
and CO2 emissions.
Disposal of Non-Recyclable Waste
All non-recyclable waste is kept to an absolute minimum and compliant under duty of care, waste hierarchy
and WEEE regulatory requirements, waste carriers and destination sites are checked quarterly for legal compliance.