Repair, Maintenance & Recycling

Repair, Maintenance & Recycling


Our Procurement team use economies-of-scale to purchase spare parts cheaper than anyone else. In line with our repair and recycling processes, we utilise recycled spare parts in order to address whole-life of equipment whilst maintaining industry standards.

Medequip work on the principle of “refurbish before replace”. Through our IT system, we ensure items do not remain in repair. Experience has proven refurbishment rates increase if repair process is encouraged.

Medequip consider repair economical only if it does not exceed 50% of the replacement cost and in turn achieves support of a further 1-Year of normal service following repair. Through assurance of a safe and aesthetically acceptable working condition.


If equipment is identified as unfit, unsafe, or requiring repair, then the requirements of the Service User are considered a priority. Where possible Medequip will replace the equipment within 24 hours with a similar product or a Close Technical Equivalent (CTE).

Each depot is fitted with a repairs workshop, stocked with spare parts and manned by highly trained refurbishment staff.

All Medequip equipment is provided and issued with a minimum 1-year warranty applied, unless the Supplier warranty provides a longer period. All recycled equipment is re-issued with a minimum 1-year warranty once refurbished and returned to shelf.


Equipment subject to maintenance is ‘flagged’ for action within our IT system, with applicable Legislative and Manufacturer PPM frequency. Records are completed and status label is attached to equipment, in line with regulations and associated HSE Approved Code of Practice.


Our Company-wide protocol for PPM is documented in our best practice informed processes and procedures.

All testing meets LOLER, PAT, COSHH, NHS Controls Assurance Standards, MHRA and PUWER legislation. All service engineers are fully trained and certificated to these standards.

All Technicians completing assessments are subject to regular and detailed monitoring, (including spot checks), supervision, review and audit, ensuring compliance.


In 2016, we recycled more equipment than we purchased (£70m recycled vs £55m purchased).

Processes supporting recycling are specified and reviewed under ISO 9001/OHSAS14001, CECOPS and BHTA accreditations, underpinned by our integrated Quality Management System.

Medequip endeavour to recycle or reuse our full product range, always taking into consideration the life span and condition of equipment and whether or not it is economically viable or appropriate to recycle certain items (e.g. Single use items such as the male urinal), ensuring cost efficiencies are met.


Our Medequip Processes (MQPs), detailed in MQP 170, 171, 177, 178, 166, 181 and 183 underpin our decontamination and recycling procedures, detailing our inspection considerations for recycling processes and stock management.

Medequip carry out strict scrapping protocols, under close scrutiny by our SHEQ department. Purchasing continually review scrappage rates by product, with authorised sign-off carried out, utilising warranties where appropriate.

Our commitment to you

Responding to customer needs with a professional approach and in a timely manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some frequently asked questions about Medequip and the services we provide.

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