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Medequip the Closest Out of 10 to Reach an Almost Equal Figure - Gender Pay Gap Report 2019

Leading healthcare trade magazines have released reports comparing the largest UK employers in mobility services’ Gender pay gap reports.

In an effort to achieve gender pay equality, companies with over 250 employees are now required by the government to state their gender pay gaps going back to 2017.

In their report, THIIS (The Homecare Industry Information Service) have compared 10 of the leading mobility service companies;

Community equipment supplier Medequip reported in 2017 that its average hourly pay rate for women was higher than that of men by 5.4 percent. In 2018, this figure has fallen to just 0.3 percent, making the organisation the closest out of the 10 to reach an almost equal figure between men and women’s average hourly pay rate.

-access the full article here: Mind the gap 2018/19 – How the mobility industry’s largest employers compared against last year

Industry news platform, Access and Mobility Professional (AMP) have also released an article on the gender pay gap reports, commenting on the inconsistency across the industry. Writing about Medequip’s report, AMP’s Joe Peskett states;

Medequip, which holds wheelchair services and community equipment contracts across the UK, has the narrowest gap of industry companies to have submitted their data.

-access the full article here: Largest mobility firms inconsistent in efforts to reduce gender pay gaps

Read Medequip’s gender pay gap report

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