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Medequip Slipper Sourcing Services Support 'Sloppy Slippers' Shows

Sloppy Slippers roadshow

It’s well documented that falls are a major cause of hospitalisation and subsequent reduction in independence for more vulnerable members of society. The reason behind a fall can easily be something as preventable as ill-fitting footwear, and in particular worn or loose slippers in the home.

In a move to improve the safety and well-being of ageing adults in Somerset (which has one of the oldest populations in the country), NHS Somerset, in partnership with Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP), has launched their ‘Sloppy Slippers’ campaign.

Data shows that around 24,000 over-65s in the UK suffer a fall annually due to sloppy slippers, with many ending up in hospital. SASP and NHS Somerset are delivering a number of roadshows across the Somerset area, where local people can visit, be measured and assessed and provided free of charge with properly fitted slippers.

It’s a cause close to Medequip’s heart, and when SASP made contact to request involvement, Medequip was delighted to take up the opportunity. The company’s specialist Falls Prevention Team continuously reiterates the importance of well-fitting footwear in the material they share with the many people using their services, so Medequip was eager to partner with NHS Somerset and SASP to provide support for this important initiative.

Medequip has been involved with the sourcing and purchase of superior quality slippers, guided by falls prevention specialist Julie Griffiths who advised on the correct selection of slippers to reduce the potential for falls.

“Loose, worn and poorly fitting slippers with a less supportive design like backless styles significantly increase the potential for slips, trips and falls around the home, which we know result in unplanned hospitalisations,” she explained. “The ‘Sloppy Slippers’ campaign is a perfect fit for Medequip, and we’re pleased to be able to support the initiative with professional advice and practical assistance in terms of procuring and funding the right slippers to assist NHS Somerset and SASP.”

Individuals, their families and carers are invited to visit the any of the roadshows, where they will be provided with the appropriate slippers in correct sizes to help them stay safe at home. Staff from SASP will also demonstrate simple strengthening exercises which can be done at home, as well as providing information on how to avoid falls and signposting to other useful Somerset-based resources and services. In addition, all the roadshows will be supported by Medequip’s Community Engagement and Partnership Manager, Clive Rymer.

The ‘Sloppy Slippers’ roadshows are already under way across Somerset and are proving extremely popular. “It’s a brilliant initiative which is helping many people to recognise the important of well-fitting footwear around the home,” stated Michaela Harris, General Manager for Medequip in the South West and Suffolk. “We would be very interested in getting involved with any other bodies who might be looking to organise similar events in their local areas.”

The "Sloppy Slippers" campaign is set to run until the end of March 2024, with several events planned across the county.

For more information on the campaign, including booking links for the roadshows, please visit

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