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A Thank You to Medequip from Rotherham

With permission we are delighted to share a message of thanks we received from our Rotherham Equipment and Wheelchair Service commissioner Emma Royle.

Emma is the Senior Commissioning & Improvement Manager, Adult Services, NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group who we work closely with to manage and deliver our service for the community across Rotherham.

Emma messaged us to say:

I just wanted to personally thank you for everything that you are doing to keep things running smoothly in Rotherham. I’m sure you are all working ‘above and beyond’. So many changes have been implemented and every query has been responded to positively. As a commissioner, it is very reassuring to know that we are working with people who are so solution focused and prepared to do whatever it takes to help.
Could you please thank the Rotherham Medequip Team for all of their hard work and everything they are doing to help keep people safe and looked after at home.
When I go out and clap on a Thursday night – I do it for the Rotherham Medequip team too :)
Emma Royle – Commissioner – Rotherham Equipment & Wheelchair Service

Its great for our team to receive such fantastic feedback. Well done to all!

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