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Medequip Opens First Shop in Acute Retail Environment

Medequip Opens First Shop in Acute Retail Environment

We’re starting the year with a boost for our 2020 growth and diversification strategy, opening Medequip’s first ever retail shop located in the Kings Treatment Centre at the Royal Derby Hospital. Our new hospital retail outlet will stock a portfolio of products including bathing and mobility aids, continence products and a specialist range for dementia support, and we will work closely with our health and social care partners to determine the complete stock range over the coming weeks.

Historically, our retail operations have been sited at depots nationwide and selected ILCs, with additional equipment displays at hospital discharge centres. We have operated CES contracts for Derby City and Derbyshire for some years, and work closely with CCGs and social care partners to promote independent living, providing advice and product demonstrations supported by a mobile exhibitions unit.

Following a detailed feasibility study, we made the decision to invest in the new retail unit which is open from 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday (these times may change to meet demand), staffed by trained assessors capable of providing qualified advice on equipment and its correct use as well as on-site access to self-help guide AskSara.

With a focus on safety, free walking aid checks will also be carried out complete with free replacement ferrules where required. The space will also be used as an informal assessment unit by OTs, who have been consulted to give feedback on the potential product requirements of individuals going home after hospital visits.

The Royal Derby Hospital has been looking to provide on-site access to these products for some time, confirmed Matt Ward, Head of Retail and Marketing for Medequip. The objective is to open up an extended choice for people which goes beyond the standard equipment provided by the NHS or the local authority, giving easy access to a range of safe and practical products not currently available on prescription, as well as advice on their correct use.

All Medequip retail facilities operate in compliance with the BHTA Code of Conduct, with products sourced from reputable suppliers and access to VAT exemptions where relevant and applicable. In addition, our new retail operation has been structured around reduced environmental impact, with no paper receipts and only fully recyclable bags on offer.

Medequip’s primary retail offering continues to be the company’s e-commerce website Manage At Home We are now looking carefully at how this new retail venture may be expanded into other geographical areas, with directors and the senior management team seeking to invest appropriately in all aspects of the retail business as part of our ongoing strategy for growth and development.

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