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Medequip Retains CES Contract for Suffolk


Medequip is delighted to announce that the company has successfully retained the community equipment services (CES) contract for Suffolk. The new contract will run for four years, from 2023 to 2027, with an optional additional three years until 2030.

Medequip has provided community equipment services (CES) across the county of Suffolk since 2015. The service covers the supply, delivery, installation, repair, maintenance, collection and recycling of community equipment prescribed by a health or social care professional to help people continue to live independently and safely.

Over 650,000 people live in Suffolk. Suffolk covers 3,801 square km, across 5 districts; Ipswich, East Suffolk; Mid Suffolk; Babergh and West Suffolk much of this rural in nature. Over the past 12 months, the Medequip team has delivered over 98,000 items of community equipment, carrying out an average of 220 jobs each and every day as well as a number of same day deliveries for urgent requirements, many to support vital hospital discharges.

In addition, Medequip successfully recycles over 90% of collected items, supporting the people of Suffolk to be independent, contributing to sustainability targets and optimising the budget making it as cost effective contract as possible for community equipment services.

Moving forward into the new contract term, Medequip will be introducing a Trusted Assessor service to assist with the prescribing of community equipment, further expanding clinical support and continuing to focus on community engagement and co-production initiatives in support of the service. The company will also be investing in the development of its warehousing and customer service site in Ipswich, upgrading existing decontamination and cleaning facilities to further enhance speed of service and product availability.

Laura Rawlings, Business Development Manager for Suffolk, said “The standard of applications during our tender process was high with particular focus on how the provider would support the wider systems priorities. The contract award will allow us to continue building on the improvements made from previous years and support our patients to live independently at home.”

Social value was an important consideration for Suffolk when awarding the new contract. Medequip has a proven track record of commitment to co-production, working collaboratively with the people who commission and use the organisation’s services to achieve a culture of improvement.

Alongside commitment to training initiatives, apprenticeships and supported employment, Medequip supports an active volunteering programme, with every member of staff enjoying eight hours of paid release every year for local charities, accounting for 480 hours in Suffolk alone.

“We are absolutely delighted to be able to continue working in Suffolk,” stated Michaela Harris for Medequip. “The team in Ipswich is committed to providing the very best service as well as contributing to the local communities across the county, supporting charities and initiatives to help others. The next few years will see the service develop further with some fantastic enhancements and improvements. The staff in Ipswich are thrilled and are looking forward to seeing the positive changes over the next few years.”

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